Vested Edge Quarterly Report

by Naman Mitruka
August 28, 2024
3 min read
Vested Edge Quarterly Report

At Vested, our mission is to empower you to become a successful investor. Before embarking on any investment strategy, you should carefully consider the risks of the strategy based on your own investment objectives and financial situation. 

As such, we publish a quarterly report on Vested Edge for all our investors. The information provided here aims to bring you transparency on our P2P-NBFC partners, the end borrowers of your investments and describes factors that could affect the risk profile of your investment.

Our P2P Lending Partners

Vested Edge diversifies your risk across multiple P2P lending platforms by splitting your investments equally across our partners. Our partners have a demonstrated track record of managing investments in P2P lending.

Our partners
Operational Since20132015
Active investors2.97 lakhs +5.40 lakhs +
Total loans disbursedRs. 3,977 crore+Rs. 10,194 crore+
Assets under management (AUM)Rs. 472 crore+Rs. 3.029 crore+
Partner overview data as of Mar 2024

Borrower profiles

Your investments are further distributed across various loan categories and sectors to reduce risk exposure.

Loan Category

Loan category data as of Jun 2024

  • Self-employed borrowers are primarily small businesses that have demonstrated steady cash flows that reduce the risk of default.
  • Salaried borrowers are creditworthy customers who borrow for delayed bill payments, zero-cost EMIs, or small personal loans. Zero-cost EMIs are generally opted for by customers who have set up mandates with their bank to ensure monthly payments are made on time.
Loan Sectors

Loan sector data as of Jun 2024

P2P loans are distributed across various sectors to reduce the impact on your investment from any specific impact to a particular sector.

Credit Profiles
Our partners
Average Credit Score694 (CRIF)722 (CIBIL)
Average Loan Tenure24 months10 months
Borrower credit score as of Jun 2024

Loans are distributed to creditworthy individuals to reduce the risk of default. A low average tenure for the loans also ensures more liquidity to manage risk better. 

Margin of Safety

The Margin of Safety metric serves as an indicator of the risk to your investment. To understand the metric, we need to define the following terms:

  • Non-performing assets (NPA) – P2P loans that default from the borrowers (i.e., payments for these loans have not been made for more than 90 days after the loan tenure) are considered NPAs. The NPA metric indicates the amount defaulted for the month (as a percentage of total investments).
  • Average gross returns – The average gross returns is the average rate of return the partner earns from loans lent out to borrowers.
  • Average Investor Returns – The average investor returns is the average rate of return delivered to investors on each platform.

The Margin of Safety denotes the cushion for NPAs that each platform can bear before the NPAs start impacting Investor returns and is calculated as:

Margin of Safety = Average Gross Returns – Current NPA – Average Investor Returns

The above equation implies that you will earn the expected returns from your investments if NPAs don’t additionally increase by the Margin of Safety. Your principal amount is safe if NPAs don’t increase further by the Average Investor Returns.

Margin of Safety data as of Jun 2024

Our partners will always ensure your claim to the interest earned on your investments is honored before their claim to any revenue on the same investment.

Withdrawals Honored

Our partners honor withdrawals within two business days from the Liquid Plan.

Past Withdrawals Honored as of Jun 2024


P2P lending is subject to defaults and does not guarantee the returns indicated. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investing in the strategies described herein has risks, including losing some or all of your invested capital. The information here is provided by our partners, and Vested does not guarantee the accuracy of disclosed information.

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