
Facebook Data Deletion Instructions

Vested Finance Inc. is a US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Registered Investment Adviser. Vested enables you to sign up and log in to our applications using Facebook Login. According to the Facebook Platform Policies, Vested needs to provide you with Facebook data deletion instructions.

You can remove your Facebook data from Vested applications to prevent Vested applications from accessing your Facebook basic information. Below are instructions to do so:

  1. Go to your Facebook account > “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings”.
  2. Look for “Apps and Websites” and you will see all of the apps and websites connected to your Facebook account.
  3. Search for “Vested” and click “Remove”.

  4. Congratulations, you have successfully removed Vested.

Note that this will also remove access to your Vested account using Facebook Login. To log in with a different sign in method to Vested, please contact our customer support team.

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