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Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF, ETF






Provider: Global X Category: Energy Limited Partnership

Analyst Forecast

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Key Metrics

Market Cap info-icon
This is a company’s total value as determined by the stock market. It is calculated by multiplying the total number of a company's outstanding shares by the current market price of one share.
P/E Ratio info-icon
This is the ratio of a security’s current share price to its earnings per share. This ratio determines the relative value of a company’s share.
Volume info-icon
This is the total number of shares traded during the most recent trading day.
Avg Volume info-icon
This is the average number of shares traded during the most recent 30 days.
Dividend Yield info-icon
This ratio shows how much income you earn in dividend payouts per year for every dollar invested in the stock (or the stock’s annual dividend payment expressed as a percentage of its current price).
Beta info-icon
This measures the expected move in a stock’s price relative to movements in the overall market. The market, such as the S&P 500 Index, has a beta of 1.0. If a stock has a Beta greater (or lower) than 1.0, it suggests that the stock is more (or less) volatile than the broader market.
52-week Range info-icon
This shows the range of the stock’s price between the 52-week high (the highest price of the stock for the past 52 weeks) and the 52-week low (the lowest price of the stock for the past 52 weeks).
$44.45 L
$66.73 H

About Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF, ETF

The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in the securities of the index. It also invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities of master limited partnerships and energy infrastructure corporations. The fund's 80% investment policies are non-fundamental and require 60 days prior written notice to shareholders before they can be changed. The index tracks the performance of midstream energy infrastructure MLPs and corporations. It is non-diversified. more

Provider: Global XCategory: Energy Limited Partnership


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