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Texas Instruments Incorporated, Common Stock






Industry: Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment Sector: Information Technology

Analyst Forecast

Price Chart

Key Metrics

Market Cap info-icon
This is a company’s total value as determined by the stock market. It is calculated by multiplying the total number of a company's outstanding shares by the current market price of one share.
P/E Ratio info-icon
This is the ratio of a security’s current share price to its earnings per share. This ratio determines the relative value of a company’s share.
Volume info-icon
This is the total number of shares traded during the most recent trading day.
Avg Volume info-icon
This is the average number of shares traded during the most recent 30 days.
Dividend Yield info-icon
This ratio shows how much income you earn in dividend payouts per year for every dollar invested in the stock (or the stock’s annual dividend payment expressed as a percentage of its current price).
Beta info-icon
This measures the expected move in a stock’s price relative to movements in the overall market. The market, such as the S&P 500 Index, has a beta of 1.0. If a stock has a Beta greater (or lower) than 1.0, it suggests that the stock is more (or less) volatile than the broader market.
52-week Range info-icon
This shows the range of the stock’s price between the 52-week high (the highest price of the stock for the past 52 weeks) and the 52-week low (the lowest price of the stock for the past 52 weeks).
$154.78 L
$218.77 H

About Texas Instruments Incorporated, Common Stock

Texas Instruments Incorporated designs, manufactures, and sells semiconductors to electronics designers and manufacturers in the United States, China, rest of Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Japan, and internationally. The company operates through Analog and Embedded Processing segments. The Analog segment offers power products to manage power requirements across various voltage levels, including battery-management solutions, DC/DC switching regulators, AC/DC and isolated controllers and converters, power switches, linear regulators, voltage references, and lighting products. This segment provides signal chain products that sense, condition, and measure signals to allow information to be transferred or converted for further processing and control, including amplifiers, data converters, interface products, motor drives, clocks, and logic and sensing products. The Embedded Processing segment offers microcontrollers, processors, wireless connectivity and radar products; and applications processors for specific computing activity. This segment offers products for use in various markets, such as industrial, automotive, personal electronics, communications equipment, enterprise systems, and calculators and other. It provides DLP products primarily for use in project high-definition images; calculators; and application-specific integrated circuits. The company markets and sells its semiconductor products through direct sales and distributors, as well as through its website. The company was founded in 1930 and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. more

Industry: Semiconductors & Semiconductor EquipmentSector: Information Technology


Time FrameTXNSectorS&P500
1-Week Return-1.35%-5.41%-2.98%
1-Month Return7.7%-6.7%-4.53%
3-Month Return1.34%-8.92%-4.89%
6-Month Return-2.97%4.37%5.03%
1-Year Return14.61%6.28%13.79%
3-Year Return18.61%51.45%37.56%
5-Year Return70.48%140.56%90.91%
10-Year Return235.22%409.09%174.79%


Dec '20Dec '21Dec '22Dec '23Dec '245YR TREND
Total Revenue14.46B18.34B20.03B17.52B15.64B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":72.2,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":91.59,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":87.47,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":78.1,"profit":true}]
Cost of Revenue5.19B5.97B6.26B6.50B6.55B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":79.3,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":91.16,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":95.57,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":99.28,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":100,"profit":true}]
Gross Profit9.27B12.38B13.77B11.02B9.09B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":67.31,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":89.87,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":80.02,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":66.04,"profit":true}]
Gross Margin64.10%67.47%68.76%62.90%58.14%[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":93.22,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":98.12,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":91.48,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":84.56,"profit":true}]
Operating Expenses3.15B3.22B3.37B3.69B3.63B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":85.49,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":87.31,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":91.49,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":98.4,"profit":true}]
Operating Income5.89B8.96B10.14B7.33B5.46B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":58.13,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":88.36,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":72.3,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":53.9,"profit":true}]
Total Non-Operating Income/Expense(67.00M)(225.00M)(322.00M)(266.00M)(520.00M)[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":-6700000000,"profit":false},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":-22500000000,"profit":false},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":-32200000000,"profit":false},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":-26600000000,"profit":false},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":-52000000000,"profit":false}]
Pre-Tax Income6.02B8.92B10.03B7.42B5.45B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":59.98,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":88.91,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":73.94,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":54.36,"profit":true}]
Income Taxes422.00M1.15B1.28B908.00M654.00M[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":32.89,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":89.63,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":70.77,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":50.97,"profit":true}]
Income After Taxes5.59B7.77B8.75B6.51B4.80B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":63.95,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":88.8,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":74.41,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":54.85,"profit":true}]
Income From Continuous Operations5.59B7.77B8.75B7.10B4.80B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":63.95,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":88.8,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":81.16,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":54.85,"profit":true}]
Income From Discontinued Operations-----[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":"-","profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":"-","profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":"-","profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":"-","profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":"-","profit":true}]
Net Income5.59B7.77B8.75B6.51B4.80B[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":63.95,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":88.8,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":74.41,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":54.85,"profit":true}]
EPS (Diluted)5.818.249.387.065.19[{"date":"2020-12-31","value":61.94,"profit":true},{"date":"2021-12-31","value":87.85,"profit":true},{"date":"2022-12-31","value":100,"profit":true},{"date":"2023-12-31","value":75.27,"profit":true},{"date":"2024-12-31","value":55.33,"profit":true}]



These ratios help you determine the liquidity of the company. Higher is better.

Cash Ratio 2.08
Current Ratio 4.12
Quick Ratio 2.88

Asset Efficiency

These ratios help you understand the company's efficiency in using its assets to generate returns. Higher is better. For ROE, average long term is around 14%, less than 10% is poor.

ROA (LTM) 9.85%
ROE (LTM) 28.40%


These ratios help you understand the company's liabilities, gauging the riskiness of the investment.

Debt Ratio Lower is generally better. Negative is bad. 0.52
Common Equity/Total Assets Higher is better. Lower can suggest investment is riskier. 0.48


These ratios help you understand the company's valuation. Lower may indicate cheaper stocks.

Trailing PE 37.61
Forward PE 34.48
P/S (TTM) 11.38
P/B 10.49
Price/FCF 221
EV/R 11.72
EV/Ebitda 24.32
PEG 1.88


What is Texas Instruments Incorporated share price today?

Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) share price today is $195.57

Can Indians buy Texas Instruments Incorporated shares?

Yes, Indians can buy shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) on Vested. To buy Texas Instruments Incorporated from India, you can open a US Brokerage account on Vested today by clicking on Sign Up or Invest in TXN stock at the top of this page. The account opening process is completely digital and secure, and takes a few minutes to complete.

Can Fractional shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated be purchased?

Yes, you can purchase fractional shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) via the Vested app. You can start investing in Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) with a minimum investment of $1.

How to invest in Texas Instruments Incorporated shares from India?

You can invest in shares of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) via Vested in three simple steps:

  • Click on Sign Up or Invest in TXN stock at the top of this page
  • Breeze through our fully digital and secure KYC process and open your US Brokerage account in a few minutes
  • Transfer USD funds to your US Brokerage account and start investing in Texas Instruments Incorporated shares
What is Texas Instruments Incorporated 52-week high and low stock price?

The 52-week high price of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is $218.77. The 52-week low price of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is $154.78.

What is Texas Instruments Incorporated price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio?

The price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is 37.3973

What is Texas Instruments Incorporated price-to-book (P/B) ratio?

The price-to-book (P/B) ratio of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is 10.49

What is Texas Instruments Incorporated dividend yield?

The dividend yield of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is 2.8%

What is the Market Cap of Texas Instruments Incorporated?

The market capitalization of Texas Instruments Incorporated (TXN) is $178.40B

What is Texas Instruments Incorporated’s stock symbol?

The stock symbol (or ticker) of Texas Instruments Incorporated is TXN

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